Explore projects
OERu / User Blogs
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyThis plugin helps manage creating per-user blogs for training purposes.
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Dave Lane / Update Mailcow Certs
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyThis copies updated Let's Encrypt certs from a Docker host machine (they're generated for the reverse proxy SSL endpoint) to their other useful location, the data directory of the Mailcow Docker configuration.
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OERu / techblog
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyOERu Technology blog built with Drupal 8
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Dave Lane / SQLite Backup
MIT LicenseA script which performs backups of an SQLite database on the local filesystem or in a Docker container and maintains dated backup instances as defined in its configuration, e.g. 24 hourly, 7 daily, 4 weekly, 12 monthly, and 7 yearly backups.
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OERu / simplesamlphp
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyThe OERu's tweaked version of simplesamlphp to facilitate better maintainability.
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Dave Lane / setlist
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0A setlist (for bands, playing music) creator. This is an experiment with the Svelte compiled JavaScript platform.
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This is our process for consolidating and migrating our servers to increase consistency of implementation, improving maintainability, monitoring, and reducing resource use and bottlenecks.
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Our own fork of Semantic Scuttle, so we can address PHP 5.4+ compatibility issues
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Our own fork of Semantic Scuttle, so we can address PHP 5.4+ compatibility issues
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A script for executing restic backups onto a remote (or local) server.
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Monitor registrations in a Moodle course and publish them to a Faye server.
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OERu / register-enrol
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyA plugin allowing learners to register (as WP users) and (un)enrol in OERu courses (subsites).
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This is a project for planning how we hope to do things better based on what we've learnt during our Minimum Viable Platform stage.
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A Mastodon bot derived from https://git@github.com/zactopus/please-caption-mastodon which reminds users following it to please add captions (alt-tags) to the media files they post for the benefit of fediverse users reliant on assistive technologies.
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WikiEducator / peer-evaluation
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterWikiEducator Peer Evaluation extension, originally developed by Akash Agarwal as part of Google Summer of Code 2014 (GSoC 2014).
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Red Hat OpenShift application with WordPress configured for OERu course deployment