Explore projects
Docker project for building a docker image containing the Mantis Bug Tracking system
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Red Hat OpenShift application with WordPress configured for OERu course deployment
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The OERu's tweaked version of simplesamlphp to facilitate better maintainability.
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A docker recipe for managing recent versions of Mahara
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A Docker recipe for the OERu's SilverStripe site... this will allow it to be upgraded...
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A series of customised tweaks to the OER Foundation's BigBlueButton implementation.
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This copies updated Let's Encrypt certs from a Docker host machine (they're generated for the reverse proxy SSL endpoint) to their other useful location, the data directory of the Mailcow Docker configuration.
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A plugin allowing learners to register (as WP users) and (un)enrol in OERu courses (subsites).
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A script for executing restic backups onto a remote (or local) server.
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A Bash script version backup dumps of a database in a docker container managed by Docker Compose
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Docker recipe for WordPress multisite including NGINX, PHP7.0, and REDIS
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A bash-based backup script for mongodb (assumed to be running in a Docker container via Docker-Compose) which backs up each Mongo database hourly, retaining (by default) 24 hourly, 7 daily, 4 weekly, 12 monthly, and 7 yearly data snapshots.