Explore projects
A two minute talk explaining how the OER Foundation is working toward 'equity' in education. Given to the Hewlett OER Meeting 2017, Toronto, Canada.
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Docker project for building a docker image containing the Mantis Bug Tracking system
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Red Hat OpenShift application with WordPress configured for OERu course deployment
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The OERu's tweaked version of simplesamlphp to facilitate better maintainability.
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WordPress plugin that uses MathJAX to render mathematics in WikiEducator course snapshots.
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Synchronise WordPress (Multi-Site configuration) user properties with Course-specific WENotes properties like blog URLs for harvesting depending on Courses (subsites) with which they are associated.
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htmlin is a demonstration ES6 (ES2015) script that takes small, regularly formatted HTML pages and imports them into Mediawiki. It is not intended to be used as a catch-all script, but as a demonstration of how a script can be tailored to a particular input format.
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WikiEducator Peer Evaluation extension, originally developed by Akash Agarwal as part of Google Summer of Code 2014 (GSoC 2014).
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Use Ansible to deploy a Discourse instance on a Linux host (Ubuntu 14.04 tested) using two Docker containers - data (with PostgreSQL and Redis) and web (the Discourse Ruby on Rails app). Integrates Mandrill's SMTP service by default.